Copresco   Overnight Lite

Missing fonts....

How to Solve the Biggest Problem with PDFs

   Questions and concerns about PDF files preparation head our Frequently Asked Questions list this month.
   See the November 2003 issue of Overnight Lite for a primer on PDF files preparation for print.

Why Are the Fonts Missing?

   Q. Before sending my print file to Copresco I turned it into a PDF. You say my PDF has missing fonts, but it looks fine on my screen and also prints fine in my office.
   Why is this? And why are there any font problems? I thought PDF eliminated these problems.

   A. Before the advent of Adobe's Acrobat PDF format, missing fonts were the single biggest problem in print files. PDF has helped to solve many problems, but the number one problem is guessed it! Missing fonts!
   So what is the problem with your file? The fonts probably aren’t embedded. PDFs can be made for many purposes, and not all of them involve print. PDFs intended for on-line posting, for example, load faster without the fonts embedded.
   The secret is to make sure you tell Acrobat Distiller what you want it to do with fonts at the time you convert your file to PDF.

Solving the Problem

   In Acrobat Distiller 6, select Settings > Edit Adobe PDF Settings > Fonts. (In Distiller 4 or 5, use Settings > Job Options > Fonts.) You must choose “Embed All Fonts.” And Copresco prefers that you go one step further by specifying “Subset All Embedded Fonts Below: 100%.”
   While you are in the font-settings area, we strongly suggest you choose the “Cancel Job” option from the “When Embedding Fails” menu. This assures that all font information needed for print is included in your PDF file.
   Choose “Ignore” and you may create a fontless file without even realizing it!
   Q. If I did leave out the fonts, how come my file not only looked good on my screen, but also printed properly in my office?
   A. A good question that deserves a complete answer. We’ve already had to oversimplify matters in order to fit the answer to your first question here, so we’ll address your follow-up question in next month’s Overnight Lite issue.
   We appreciate comments and responses from our readers and will continue to answer your questions in future Lite issues.

Six Straight Years on Top

   For the sixth consecutive year, Copresco has been named one of the Top 100 Printers in North America by Quick Printing magazine.
   Only four printers in the state of Illinois were so honored.

Productivity Leader

   For the second consecutive year, Copresco ranked eighth in the magazine’s sales per employee leaders category.
   “This is a testament to the dedication of our staff and our efficient workflow procedures,” says Copresco president Steve Johnson.

Bet You Didn’t Know...

   A well-kept secret about Copresco is our experience in Variable Data Printing (VDP).
   If you turn this page over, you’ll see an example of the variable printing in its very simplest yet most widely used form: addressing.
   If Lite were printed conventionally, your name and address would be affixed with a label or printed separately using an ink-jet print head. Since Lite is printed digitally (like everything at Copresco) your mailing info is printed at the same time as the rest of the newsletter.

Multiple Versions

   VDP can do much, much more than address. Images as well as text can vary. Multiple versions of books or manuals can be printed, with each version addressing a specific audience. The variable content can even be in full color.
   Copresco president Steve Johnson recently spoke as a featured panelist at Variables, a two-day conference dedicated to variable data printing.
   He’s our resident VDP guru, and he’d be happy to talk to you about how Variable Data Printing may have applications in your business.

The Buck Stops Here

   Clients who deal with Copresco’s Lynn Buck regularly may have noticed that she has been flexing her management muscles a bit more.
   That’s because Lynn has been promoted to production manager with responsibilities for customer service and technical support.
   As your direct link to Copresco, Lynn and her production staff watch over your job from estimating, through manufacturing, shipping and follow-up.
   So when you need books and manuals, call the company that offers fast, courteous service and first-rate technical assistance. Call Copresco.

Labor Day

   Copresco will be closed Monday, September 6 for Labor Day.
   Enjoy the last weekend of summer.

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