Copresco   Overnight Lite

More on fonts...

Embedding Still the Key to PDF Success

   This month’s Frequently Asked Questions follow up on our last issue’s FAQ about embedding fonts in PDF files for print.
   Q. If I inadvertently left the fonts out when I created my PDF, how come my file not only looked good on my screen but also printed properly in my office?
   A. There are several possibilities. Let’s look at how missing fonts are handled when printing.
   When we print a traditional, non-PDF file, a fixed-width font, usually Courier, will be substituted for any missing fonts.

No Family Resemblance

   This stand-in font bears no resemblance to the correct font, won’t have enough room to display and usually looks like a typewriter in a train wreck. It will be unusable, often unreadable, but it does have the advantage of clearly signaling a font problem.
   Q. Didn’t PDF change all that?
   A. It certainly did. PDF is designed to work quite differently. When first opened, Acrobat looks for any fonts not embedded in the file itself. If it finds them on your local computer, it uses them.
   This means that when you view or print a PDF on the same computer you used to create the original document (as is almost always the case) the proper fonts will be displayed and printed whether they are embedded or not.
   Once the PDF file is moved away from this computer, however, the file no longer has access to those fonts if they are not embedded.
   Try this: go to the Advanced menu in Acrobat 6 Pro (or the View menu in Acrobat 4 or 5) and uncheck “Use Local Fonts.” Then open the PDF you’ve created. A font will display properly only when it is actually embedded in the file.
   Q. Okay, I’ve done this. Everything looks fine to me. Yet Copresco still tells me that my PDF is missing fonts. What do you mean by this?
   A. A paradox! It looks okay, but fonts are missing. Indeed, how can this be? The answer, as always, is complicated. We’ll cover this last possible problem area in next month’s issue of Overnight Lite.
   These questions have been great. We appreciate your questions and comments and will continue to answer them in future FAQs.

Two More APEX Awards

   Copresco’s diversified customer communications program continues to receive national recognition with the announcement of APEX 2004 Awards for Publication Excellence.
   Our practical and user-friendly website was an Award of Excellence winner for the sixth consecutive year. An article written for American Printer magazine by Copresco president Steve Johnson on factors affecting digital paper quality received an Award of Excellence for education and training writing.

15 Times in Winner’s Circle

   Since 1998 when we began entering the APEX competition, Copresco has won 15 Awards of Excellence, including two Grand Awards for the website and a Grand Award for a campaign to determine customer preferences for digital color printing systems.
   “We are constantly working to improve and expand our various publication and web-based programs,” Steve says. “Significant changes will be made to our website this year to provide easier access and navigation for customers and site visitors.”
   A vastly upgraded FTP interface has already made the uploading of digital print files as simple and painless as possible, without sacrificing accuracy or reliability. Watch for further details in an upcoming Overnight Lite issue.

Website Honored

   As we mentioned in a recent Bet You Didn’t Know story, Copresco is famous for digital on-demand printing of books and manuals. But we also win prizes for the development of technically oriented client websites.
   We picked up another APEX trophy for the Plumbing and Mechanical Contractors Association of Northern Illinois. This is the fourth consecutive Award of Excellence for the website that Copresco created and maintains. The site was honored for its substantial content, easy accessibility and overall communications excellence.
   There are major improvements and enhancements planned for the future to increase the PAMCANI site’s value to association members and the general public.

Expo 2004 Invitation

   Planning a trip to Chicago for the October 10 - 13 Graph Expo show at McCormick Place?
   Stop by Copresco for a tour of our industry-leading digital printing shop and have lunch or a cup of coffee.
   We are conveniently located near Chicago area expressways about 30 miles west of the city.
   Just call us for an appointment or drop us an e-mail note.

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