
Stay abreast, stay sane...

Keeping You Educated, Informed & Amused

   Keeping up with trends and technology can be a full time job. It is certainly an important part of our job at Copresco.
   Overnight Lite is committed to passing along crucial information without overwhelming you. We keep the heavy stuff as Lite as possible, and no longer than one page per month.
   So how do we stay informed ourselves? The answer is education, and we invite you to join us at some of the events we'll be attending soon. Educational opportunities abound in upcoming weeks for those in the Chicago area.

Acrobat 7 Seminar

   Working with Adobe's Acrobat 7 (the latest version; see story below) will be presented jointly by Printing Industry of Illinois/Indiana, Illinois Press Foundation and North Shore Craftsmen Club on May 19.
   This all day hands-on seminar focuses on setting Acrobat 7 preferences and how the tools, palettes and panes work in print production. Krispy Kremes are rumored for breakfast. See the link below for more information.

Chicago Book Clinic

   On June 8 Chicago Book Clinic will conduct the inaugural session of CBC University, a full day of seminars on the topics most requested and most valuable to the publishing industry, including "Digital On Demand" presented by Copresco president Steve Johnson. See the link below for more information.

What Do You Think?

   As mentioned above, Adobe has now officially released Acrobat 7, the latest version of its PDF creation software. Have you any plans to upgrade? Or perhaps you are one of the adventurous few who have already done so?
   At Copresco we are committed to supporting your workflow, whatever it may be, so it is important that you communicate with us about your upgrade plans.

We Can't Do It Without You

   We are seeking information about your use of Acrobat, of PDF files, and of the ways you do (or don't) use these tools to create materials that will ultimately be printed.
   Whether or not you plan to adopt Acrobat 7 please take one minute (that is all it will take) to complete the survey by following the link below.
   Your response will assure that Copresco stays properly prepared to most effectively handle your print files. Your opinions will also help shape future Overnight Lite articles.

Typos Proven Fatal

   Typographic or grammatical flaws were cited by senior executives from America's largest firms as the single most common mistake job seekers make on their résumés. Over one-third of those surveyed faulted these careless errors for torpedoing the chances of job applicants.
   Tips to avoid such embarrassing—and costly—proofreading mistakes are found in TechTopics No.12: How to Avoid Proofreading Blunders, a technical bulletin from Copresco's ongoing series.

Help For Everyone

   Included are guidelines for more effective proofreading plus a short treatise on spell checkers. The bulletin will help anyone who is responsible for final approval of documents for publication.
   Our thanks to Bob Hall for his kind and amusing review of TechTopics No.12 in the April issue of Quick Printing magazine.
    So when you need help printing short runs of books or manuals, call the company with the technical know-how to get the job done for you.
   Call Copresco.

Internet Addresses Mentioned In This Issue

Please share your plans and opinions about Acrobat 7

Info and registration for the May 19 Acrobat 7 class, and more

Information and registration for the June 8 CBC University

To view or request the TechTopics series

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