AIPX Awards...

Copresco Triples in Print Excellence Competition

   Copresco continues to score with awards for the jobs we do for you.
   In May, we picked up three Achievement in Print Excellence Awards (AIPX) for digital printing from the Printing Industry of Illinois/Indiana Association.
   We won Best of Category Pinnacle awards for a four-color memorial book and a financial conference events and activities book—and picked up an Award of Excellence for a government agency pictorial guide.

Lofty Standards

    “Your work demonstrates the high quality standards of the printing industry in our two-state region,” says Joanne Rock, interim president of the graphic arts trade association. A total of 330 entries were submitted for the 2005 competition.
   Since the AIPX program began in 2003, Copresco has won seven achievement awards, including four Pinnacle awards,
   “These awards reflect Copresco’s high-quality control standards and our commitment to excellence in all facets of our digital printing operations,” says president Steve Johnson.

Joanne Rock, interim PII president, presents a Pinnacle Achievement in Print Excellence award to Steve Johnson.

A Lasting Tribute

   The case bound memorial book was conceived by a North Carolina state senator as a pictorial tribute to his late wife. Controlling color was a special challenge to Copresco’s production staff due to the large number of photos to be reproduced from decades-old family snapshots.
   The job was printed with full coverage and full bleeds on every page and collated inline. Covers were foil stamped on leatherette and cased.
   The North Carolina designer of the piece had contacted his local commercial printer, who realized that digital printing was the only answer for the short-run job of a mere 25 copies. He called on Copresco after learning about our national reputation for handling impossible jobs that others won’t or can’t handle.

More Savings

   Economies were obtained for the financial conference piece by combining offset-printed color covers and tab dividers with digitally printed one-color bodies.
   Copresco’s staff used advanced grayscale management controls to further enhance the text reproduction of the Canon Imagerunner digital press. This provided the required harmony to match the high quality of the offset pieces.
   Gold wire binding, which matched the style of the manual’s design, added a touch of class to the finished product.

A Classy Combination

   Digital printing also provided the government agency with a classy document that presents constituent neighborhoods in the most appealing atmosphere, while meeting the tight budget constraints of public projects.
   A color cover added visual impact to the one-color job that contains a variety of photos and landscape drawings that had to be reproduced with extreme accuracy.
   Plastic coil binding was selected for its resilience and lay-flat properties.

No Doubt About It

   When you need short-run books, manuals and other publications, call the company that has the award-winning credentials and experienced staff to handle your job.
   Call Copresco.

No Rush to Bleeding Edge

   Response to last month’s online survey about Acrobat 7 was spotty and inconclusive.
   Although all respondents currently use some form of Acrobat to create PDF files, not a single one has immediate plans to upgrade to 7.
   Why is everyone waiting? So far, no one sees any clear benefit to doing so. Many Overnite Lite readers also recognize that “upgrades” often create more problems.

PDF Working Well

   At Copresco, we applaud and encourage this steady and logical approach to managing your workflow tools. Worthy of note is the general overall satisfaction everyone expressed with the PDF process.
   “Acrobat 6.0 is working very well for us,” was a representative reason given for not rushing to upgrade. Another positive theme: everyone liked the recent “how-to” PDF article series in Overnight Lite.
   We promise to keep you informed on developments regarding Acrobat 7, and we’ll begin another technical series in the near future.

Independence Day

   Copresco will be closed Monday, July 4, for Independence Day.
   Have a great summer weekend.

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