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Copresco explains pdf/x and why…

PDF/X Standard Minimizes Print Problems

   Copresco welcomes your questions on all aspects of digital printing. We appreciate your interest and ask you to keep those inquiries coming. Thanks to Contemporary Graphics for posing this worthwhile question.

   Q. We have a PDF/X-1a file from a client. Can Copresco print it?
   A. The answer is emphatically yes! The good news is, anyone can print PDF/X files. That is what these files are for: universal, error-free printing.

Viva la Differance

   Q. What is the difference between PDF/X and a regular PDF file?
   A. In fact, there is no such thing as a “regular” PDF. You may recall from previous Overnight Lite articles that Adobe (makers of Acrobat and creator of the PDF format) has designed PDF for all sorts of uses. Print is only one.

Not for Print

   Some PDF uses include on-line forms, scanning and e-mail transmission of documents. PDFs created for any of these purposes may not be at all suitable for print.
   PDF has had seven major version changes since its initial release, each one adding support for more of the “features” mentioned above.
   Adobe’s most recent versions include, for example, support for audio and video, that are totally useless and detrimental to the printing process.

ISO Standard

   PDF/X, on the other hand, is regulated by the International Standards Organization (ISO), meaning that it cannot be changed arbitrarily and that no single company nor any country controls the standard.
   The best-known version is PDF/X-1a. If you create PDF/X-1a files, you can rest assured that just about any printer on earth will able to process your print file.

What Flavor?

   If your document contains color, be aware that PDF/X-1a supports CMYK process colors and spot colors but not RGB color spaces.
   If your document includes RGB color graphics, you will need to use PDF/X-3 instead. Many printers will not accept a PDF that includes RGB color, but Copresco does.

X-File Choices

   Q. Haven’t PDF/X-1a and X-3 been replaced by newer versions?
   A. X-1a and X-3 both date back to 2001. This is part of what makes them universal: they use PDF specifications that do not include all of the extraneous data that can cause printing trouble in newer PDF versions.
   The latest versions of many programs include support for PDF/X-4 and PDF/X-5.
   Ironically, the newer “X” standards are not yet universally supported. Many, in fact the vast majority of, print devices in use today do not support all the features allowed by X-4 and X-5.
   In summary, PDF/X-1a is the ideal format. Either X-1a or X-3 will be great for your Copresco jobs.

Available Software

Q. How do I create PDF/X files?
   A. Recent versions of Quark X Press and Adobe InDesign include presets for exporting files in PDF/X compliant formats. So do the last three versions of Acrobat, with which you can generate PDF/X files from almost any application.
   Another option you may want to explore is Instant PDF from EnFocus, a software company whose people were heavily involved in the creation of the PDF/X standard.

Nifty Stuff

   This nifty program includes a “Save as Certified PDF” feature that will not only help you create PDF/X files but will help you to troubleshoot and correct the problems you encounter with the process.
   This serious professional software runs about $250.
   So, when you need help with digital books and manuals or technical support, call the recognized industry leader.
   Call Copresco.

Internet Addresses Mentioned In This Issue

For more tech details on the PDF/X-1a standard, stop by:

PDF/X-1a White Paper from Adobe. Old, but still valid.

EnFocus's Instant PDF software for creating PDF/X compliant files.

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