A marketing manager from a major publishing house once spent an hour trying to convince Copresco President Steve Johnson that the most important part of any book is its cover.
manager detailed her opinion about the importance of correct cover artwork,
colors, typefaces and titles.
Near the end of her
diatribe, she did concede, Of course, the content of a book is important,
Fact is, the content of your printed pages is the meat of your book, manual, booklet or publication, but it is the cover that must meet the crucial firstimpression test.
In the early days of digital print, color quality was sometimes an issue. For a brief period, digitally printed books and manuals were often as not bound with covers printed via traditional offset.
Copresco, we would receive orders to print black & white books and manuals
and then bind them with color covers supplied by others.
Unfortunately, this reduced the many benefits of using
the digital ondemand printing process including fast turnaround, less
waste and maximum flexibility.
After completing our digital work, we would frequently have to wait for the covers shipment. Valuable time was lost and needless shipping charges had to be added to the job. If there was a press overrun, the excess covers often had to be discarded.
Your ability to make quick copy or layout changes is lost when covers are provided by others, along with the opportunity to personalize individual covers via variable data printing.
Today, digital color quality is on a par with conventional printing. Copresco has been repeatedly cited for our beautiful awardwinning color work (see the story below).
Last year, we installed more color equipment to keep us on the forefront of digital color printing and to keep pace with the fast turnaround of our black & white production.
So, forget
about printing your covers elsewhere. Send us your whole job, and well
turn out a book with stunning color covers that will make your first impression
a lasting one.
Were waiting for your
Copresco has been honored with still more awards for exceptional printing quality from the Gallery of Excellence of the International Association of Printing House Craftsmen (IAPHC).
competition with printers around the globe, Copresco was honored with a gold
award for a fourcolor case bound book, and a silver award for a
fullcolor corporateidentity manual.
And, how
about this: Your favorite monthly newsletter, Overnight Lite, picked up
an honorable mention.
Entries from Australia and Britain to Singapore and South Africa joined hundreds of other entrants from North America in competing for International Gallery of Superb Printing recognition, according to Kevin Keane, IAPHC CEO.
International Gallery has solidified its premier position as a
worldrenowned graphic arts event.
Each entry must
pass three grueling rounds of evaluations by a highly critical panel of
international judges.
Coprescos winning entries stood side by side
with the best of highend offset printing.
This recognition for digital printing craftsmanship
on such a vast global basis is something very special, Steve Johnson
Personal craftsmanship has always been a trademark for all the work we do our customers.
will be closed Thursday, November 26 and Friday, November 27 for Thanksgiving.
Enjoy the holiday weekend.
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