Copresco   Overnight Lite

Steve Jobs biography proves...

Printed Word Commands Readers’ Full Attention

   In its first week in bookstores, Steve Jobs soared to the top of best­seller lists with the sale of 379,000 copies, according to Nielsen BookScan.
   The biography of the Apple Inc. co­founder by Walter Isaacson, which hit the streets October 24, sold three times more copies than the next best­selling book by John Grishman and instantly became one of year’s 20 best sellers.

Even More Startling

   Statistics released later have been even more impressive.
   The book topped both the New York Times and Chicago Tribune nonfiction best­seller lists and was’s best­selling book for 2011.
   These are amazing stats, considering that the book had less than two months to rise to the top. Originally scheduled for release in 2012, the publication date was moved up, due to Steve’s death on October 5.

There’s More

   Another awesome fact: We’re not talking about Kindle, iPad or Nook sales. This is a printed 571­page, case bound volume that weighs more than two pounds.
   So, you can see that the printed word is alive and very well indeed.
   Here’s another example closer to home that reinforces this same important point: Print commands readers’ full attention.

A Record Response

   In the eight years that Copresco president and CEO Steve Johnson wrote columns for American Printer magazine, he received several awards for communications excellence, nice comments from his readers and a critique or two.
   An August 2011 piece entitled, “Digital printing walks the plank,” drew the strongest response from readers of any of the 78 “Johnson’s World” columns that Steve crafted. He took digital press manufacturers to task with criticism about press reliability.

The Real Story

   You see, Steve’s column was never posted online, unlike all of the other “Johnson’s World” articles.
   The column appeared only in the print issue of the trade magazine. All of the respondents were readers of a printed publication, not of any form of electronic communication.

Steve Joins Quick Printing Staff

   As it turned out, August was the last issue of American Printer. The magazine stopped publishing because of dwindling advertising revenue, not because of lost readership.

The Good News

   Steve has joined Quick Printing magazine as a featured columnist.
   According to Editor Karen Lowery Hall, “Johnson’s World” provides firsthand observations and thoughtful commentary about the state of today’s graphic communications industry.
   “We are delighted to welcome Steve to Quick Printing’s roster of contributing columnists. His insights and wry commentary will bring a fresh perspective to our readers, many of whom are already familiar with his work,” Karen added.

By and for Printers

   “Steve continues Quick Printing’s long tradition of being the only industry publication that is written by printers for printers.
   “We look forward to offering his ‘Johnson’s World’ column for many years to come.”

PDFs with Bleeds from InDesign

   As an added service for our clients, Copresco has detailed an effective way to create high­quality PDFs from Adobe InDesign files that require bleeds.
   Our TechTopics No. 17 provides a short treatise on bleeds and step­by­step instructions on how to create PDFs with bleeds for your publications, books and manuals.
   TechTopics is a continuing series of technical bulletins on digital technology, document preparation and printing on­demand.
   Copies of TechTopics and Overnight Lite issues are available in PDF format on our website.

Internet Addresses

   Follow "Johnson's World" in Quick Printing magazine:

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