Copresco   Overnight Lite

A Copresco warning for print buyers...

Watch Out for Unsolicited Paper Substitution

   Copresco recently heard about a print buyer who solicited bids for 3,000 copies of a 600-page case bound book and was startled by what he found out. The estimates ranged from a low bid of $12,500 to the highest bid of $22,500.
   Q. How could there be such a wide disparity between the prices?
   A. There are several possibilities: the difference between offset and digital printing, the bindery used or the delivery deadline. However, we learned that the most basic commodity of printing caused this discrepancy: paper. More specifically, paper substitution turned out to be the real culprit.

What Happened?

   The print buyer specified a particular brand of premium uncoated book paper with high opacity, brightness, whiteness and PPI (thickness) ratings.

Lower Quality Paper

   The low bidder of $12,500 ignored the furnished specifications and had instead substituted a house paper of lower quality. When asked to rebid the job properly on the premium sheet, the price jumped up by $9,000 to $21,500, which was in the ballpark with other estimates.

Moral of the Story

   Paper has a huge impact in graphic communication. It directly affects the look, feel and content of the message you’re communicating. When imaged on the right sheet, text and graphics command the reader’s attention. So, make sure that you get the sheet you specify, without any substitutions.

Caveat Emptor

   Let the buyer beware! The above example would have been a disaster if the estimate had been accepted and the book printed on the wrong paper.

Bad News

   Substitution of an inferior paper stock by an unscrupulous printer will lead to severe disappointment with the results and long delays while the project is in dispute.
   This is especially a problem when using a print provider for the first time. If the print vendor is an “online” provider or an “off-shore” (such as based in China) the likelihood of paper substitution is even greater.

Problem Areas

   Beyond the obvious reduction in the quality of the finished product, here are two areas in which paper substitution will have unintended consequences.
   1. Spine Width. If a wraparound cover or case (as are used for hard or soft cover books) has been designed and ordered with a particular page count and paper thickness in mind, it won’t work on substituted paper!

PPI Critical

   That is why PPI (pages per inch) is a crucial calculation.
   Here’s another word of warning: Substituting equivalent weights of paper does NOT guarantee matching PPI. Equal weight rarely means equal thickness, and this problem worsens as the number of pages increases.

Another Switch to Watch

   2. Matching versions. For various reasons, multiple print vendors may be used for a particular book.
   For example, Copresco often digitally prints short runs of foreign-language books while the corresponding English version is printed by a conventional offset book printer.
   If the other printer pulls a paper switch, the different versions won’t match.

Copresco Can Help

   Copresco offers you a wide range of papers in various weights, finishes and colors to make your documents look their best.
   Our staff works closely with customers to recommend stocks that are best suited to your specific job requirements. If you don’t have a preference, we’ll get you the right sheet for your job.
   We encourage you to take advantage of our extensive knowledge of paper. We’ll be happy to show you swatches or make up a sample of your job.
   Just give us a call.

Remember When...

   Our 25th anniversary recollections take us to May 1999, when we made a huge move into Copresco’s new plant.
   The 14,000 sq. ft. building in Carol Steam houses our digital printing and finishing equipment, warehousing and shipping facilities, and offices.

Increased Customer Service

   The move allowed us to expand our services to clients in business, governmental, printing trade, professional, technical and institutional fields.
   We also upgraded our computer and telephone systems to ensure Y2K compliance. (Remember all the fuss and excitement about that revelation?)

Independence Day

   Copresco’s staff will be on hand Tuesday, July 3, and Thursday, July 5 to handle all of your digital printing needs.
   We will be closed Wednesday, July 4 for the 236th celebration of our nation’s independence.

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