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Copresco plant back in action in 48 hours...

Copies Overnight Tradition Prevails Despite Storm

   “Mr. Johnson, this is the Carol Stream Fire Department. The roof has blown off your building. You had better get over there right away!”

Rude Awakening

   That’s the telephone message that Copresco president and CEO Steve Johnson received the afternoon of Sunday, July 1.

Violent Storm

   A severe storm with 90 mph hurricane-force winds had violently battered Chicago’s western suburbs, drenching the area with pounding hail and an inch of rain in 25 minutes.
   Commonwealth Edison reported power outages for 250,000 customers.

Damage Report

   When Steve arrived at his darkened building, he found a large part of a tree down, and what was left of the plant roof scattered across the parking lot and loading dock.
   He splashed through the office to find the digital press and bindery departments, as well as the warehouse and shipping department, soaked with rainwater.

Team Springs into Action

   It was now time to put Copresco’s disaster relief plan into action and restore order. Staff members were notified to rendezvous at the plant as soon as power was restored.
   Professional help was also available at Steve’s fingertips, including ServPro, a commercial cleaning and restoration company. The fire department installed large tarps to protect our equipment.

Night Vigil

   An Electronic Restoration Services crew, flown in from out of state, worked into the night to clean and service our computers and other digital equipment.
   Roofers also worked into the night, installing a temporary waterproof roof system to protect the plant against further damage.

Powered Up

   Power was restored during the night, and our team spent July 2 cleaning up water, clearing debris, and picking up the grounds.
   A large air conditioning system was brought in to replace two units that were destroyed by the high winds.
   Our staff was back at their regular jobs the next day.

Talk About Fast Turnaround

   Despite the catastrophe, the Copies Overnight spirit prevailed, and Copresco was back in business, printing and binding clients’ publications, books and manuals 48 hours after the storm struck the plant.

Just a Day Lost

   Only one day of production was lost.Many companies would have been out of business for months, or would have had to go out of business altogether.
   But, Copresco understands how to work under extreme pressure.
   We thrive on Mission Impossible printing assignments that few printers will accept. We know how to deal with unexpected problems and come up with fast, efficient solutions.

No Luck Involved

   Our quick response to the storm was not a stroke of luck. Copresco has a preplanned disaster relief plan that went into action as soon as the fire department call was received.
   Our experienced staff responded quickly and professionally.
   We are properly insured and located in a well-established industrial area with excellent municipal and commercial business services.

Didn’t Skip a Beat

   Despite this disruption, no client deadlines were ever in danger. With Copresco’s digital on-demand printing services, there are no stacks of negatives and plates that can be damaged. Paper is stored off the floor on skids and pallets to prevent damage.
   As an added precaution, we had arrangements with other printers in place to back us up with printing jobs, but it was never needed.

Safe Files Storage

   All of our digital files are stored on “off-campus” servers and backed up by powerful redundant systems that protect client and company information, including Copresco’s sophisticated inventory and workflow system.

Our Sincere Thanks

   Our thanks to our clients and friends for your prayers, good wishes and offers to help in what shaped up to be a most challenging week.
   We sincerely appreciate your concern and support.

Photo Spread

   See below for Before and After pictures that show how Copresco quickly recovered from the devastating July storm.

Labor Day

   Copresco will be closed Monday, September 3 for Labor Day.
   Enjoy the last weekend of summer.

Staff members and professionals up to the task…

Copresco Makes Rapid Recovery from a Devastating Storm and Is Back in Business in Two Days

   This photo montage will give you a good before-and-after look at what happened over a 48-hour period at Copresco’s 14,000 sq. ft. plant in Carol Stream. Here are the details of the amazingly fast turnaround.


   1. Winds clocked at 90 mph tear the roof off, down to the metal studs—leaving nothing but a pile of rubble.
   2. Debris from the roof is scattered over the shipping dock and front of the building. The shipping dock looks like a swimming pool until power is restored and the sump pump kicks in.
   3. The Carol Stream Fire Department provides giant tarps to protect equipment during roof restoration.
   4. A massive, portable air conditioning system helps dehumidify the plant and get Copresco ready to return to normal business activities.

Copresco Storm Disaster: Before


   5. After cleanup, the digital press department looks spic and span and is ready to swing into action.
   6. A thorough floor wash returns warehouse and shipping departments to their pristine condition. Shipping was one of the departments hardest hit by the storm.
   7. With order restored, work on digital on-demand publications, books and manuals resumes for Copresco’s clients.
   8. Copresco president and CEO Steve Johnson checks an order for shipment.
   9. Steve is all smiles about the way his staff and other professionals came together to put Copresco back in action 48 hours after the storm struck. A truly amazing feat. (2-9 Photos by Jessica Pinkous)

Copresco Storm Disaster: After

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