

Quarter Million Copies Overnight!

What Exactly Does That Mean?
Do you have a 500 page manual that you need 500 copies of tomorrow? Copresco can do it. Perhaps 300 copies of an 800 page book? Copresco can do it. How about 250 sets of a binder containing 1000 pages? Copresco can handle it.

If the number of pages x number of books = >250,000, Copresco can do it.

How Can Copresco Make Such An Amazing Claim?
Copresco has the people in place to do the job. We work the hours needed to do the job. We have the workflow systems in place to properly manage the job. Copresco has the equipment to do the job. Copresco has the quality procedures in place to do the job correctly. And we have the experience and determination to do your job.

Are There Any Restrictions?
Yes. Click here to read the fine print.

What If Someone Else Besides Me Needs Fast Service?
Hey, our promise is to each customer. If two clients both need 250,000 impressions tomorrow, Copresco can handle it. And then some.

What Will This Rush Service Cost Me?
How about nothing extra? Copresco considers every job a rush job. We're set up to handle the pressure, so your rush job will fit nicely into our schedule. There are no extra charges for rush orders.

Don't Take Our Word For It
Try calling some of our competitors. Ask them to honor a promise like this. See what they say. Then, call Copresco. We haven't forgotten what our name was when we founded Copresco in 1987: Copies Overnight. And that's still our promise to you.

Steve Johnson, President

Contact me directly.

Previous messages:
White Christmas
All Docutechs Are Not Equal IV
All Docutechs Are Not Equal III
All Docutechs Are Not Equal II
All Docutechs Are Not Equal
What A Difference A Year Makes
Happy Holidays
Business As Usual
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