Copresco   Overnight Lite

For a massive printing job

There’s Only One Place to Call: Copresco

   Who do you call when you have a mammoth book project that most printers couldn’t or wouldn’t touch? You call Copresco, of course.
   To prepare for an international Council on Legislation, Rotary International had to produce books of proposed legislation in six languages. The English version alone weighed nine pounds and spanned 1,488 pages. The French, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese and Spanish volumes ranged from 1,446 to 1,558 pages. Quantities varied widely, from 32 copies in Korean to 470 English books.

Over One Million Impressions

   The massive job required a grand total of 1,120,000 impressions, includ-ing printing, collating and three-hole drilling. Finished sets were inserted in ring binders with color-coded covers and spines to differentiate the various languages. Completed books were delivered to Rotary International’s headquarters in Evanston and to the meeting site at the Chicago Marriott Downtown hotel.

Delegates pore over a huge book of proposed legislation.

Historic Meeting

   The Council is a legislative body that discusses and votes on proposals to change Rotary International’s constitution and bylaws.
   “The task we have before us is totally unique in Rotary history,” said Clifford L. Dochterman, chairman of the 2001 policymaking body, as he convened the opening session. “Never before has a Council been asked to consider the number of proposals you have before you.”
   A total of 523 delegates from 65 countries pored over a record-setting 631 items during the six-day meeting.

Electronic units speed the legislative voting process.

Another Textbook Example

   “This type of job is a textbook example for digital on-demand printing,” says president Steve Johnson. “Short press runs of large- volume documents are not practical for offset printing. Last minute changes also create havoc. In the Spanish version, for example, we had to remove and renumber all the pages from 1253 to 1516—just days before the delivery deadline,” Steve explained. “That would be a nightmare for a conventional printer. We solved the problem with a unique approach by utilizing our variable data printing capabilities to add the new page numbers. That’s the same method we use to print your name and address on Overnite Lite,” Steve concluded.
  So, when you need help with books and manuals—or assistance with any digital printing issue—call the company that has the experience, technical tools and staff to serve you.
   Call Copresco.

Internet Tech Tips

   TechTopics No. 15 offers technical tips for transmitting print files via the Internet.
   The new bulletin explains the benefits of File Transfer Protocol (FTP) files transfer and the pitfalls of e-mail. The use of web browsers and FTP client software are also evaluated.
   As a companion piece, we have completely updated TechTopics No. 3. The bulletin discusses the importance of compressing files for Internet transmission.
   For a free TechTopics subscription, complete the form on our website or e-mail.

Guess What? UPS Raises Rates

   UPS has a new wrinkle. Instead of increasing rates in February, they’ve moved the effective date to January 7.
   The 1.25% fuel surcharge stays in effect due to market volatility. (Have they checked pump prices lately?)
   Other hikes, including postal rates, are also on the immediate horizon.
   Don’t worry. Nobody in our business knows more about shipping and distribution than we do. Copresco will continue to get your jobs delivered on time—at the best price.

Labor Days

   Copresco will work all the business days in February.
   These include Lincoln’s Birthday, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, Washington’s Birthday and Buffalo Bill’s (William Frederick Cody’s) Birthday, Feb. 26.
   We’ll take off Ground Hog Day, Feb. 2—it’s a Saturday.

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