Copresco   Overnight Lite

Literary Journals Abound…

Quenching Writers’ Thirst for Publishing Creative Work

The tradition of literary journals dates back to early American history.

They are the outgrowth of literary societies that were important parts of campus life in the mid-1800s.

The Granddad

The Columbia Review claims to be “The Oldest College Literary Magazine In The Nation.” It was established in 1815 and accepts poetry, short stories, drama, all types of creative non-fiction, and art submissions for its two issues published each year.

Other early journals were the Philadelphia Literary Magazine, North American Review of Boston, Yale Review and the Knickerbocker of New York City.

A Thousandfold

Today there are some 1,000 literary magazines published in the United States.

These journals solve the powerful urge of contributors who have a yen to publish essays, poems, short stories, photos and other creative work.

Their wide-ranging contributions include a span of topics from history, religion, ethics, politics and current events to book reviews, interviews and visual art.

Pros Pitch In

Some literary publications combine students’ work with writing by faculty members or other professionals.

POD a Matchmaker

Copresco has printed an extensive range of literary journals for collegiate clients as well as specialized audiences.

The ultra-fast turnaround, no waste and reduced inventory advantages of our on-demand digital printing are ideally suited to literary publishing projects.

Copresco’s short print runs provide practical and economical production solutions for this specialized field.

No Constraints

Because Copresco can print small quantities without compromising the project’s quality or professionalism, we can ably serve artistic journals that have limited circulations.

If these volumes had to rely on the high costs of traditional printing, they might never see the light of day.

Labors of Love

Most literary journals are the labors of love by their creative contributors and the editorial staffs responsible for their production and printing.

They spend countless hours for the absolute joy of publishing without any financial compensation.

Gorgeous Color

For years, the high cost of four-color printing restricted literary content to poetry, prose and occasional black & white photos.

Today, Copresco’s beautiful digital color vividly showcases contributors’ artistic photographs, paintings and graphics.

Other Venues

While collegiate journals dominate the field, there are many other periodicals devoted to scientific, technical, medicine, humanitarian, environmental, social science and other pursuits that serve niche markets.

Artistic Expression

Most literary tomes are perfect bound, but these publications lend themselves to almost any sort of binding style and paper type.

Sizes also vary. Some editors actually employ unusual sizes, paper, or binding as further avenues of artistic expression.

Strong Suit

Literary journals are another strong suit in Copresco’s vast short-run digital printing repertoire.

So, when you need books, manuals and publications of any type, call the company that can meet your specialized needs and deadlines.

Call Copresco.

Photography Salute

Kudos to Copresco’s Jessica Pinkous, whose photos were included in the Spring 2019 issue of Leading Print, the magazine of the Association for Print Technologies.

Jessica is responsible for much of the photography for Overnight Lite.