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More than pretty pictures...

Environmental Report Requires Accuracy on a Budget

On some projects “cost is no object.” These require the very highest quality and professional production.

Much more often budget constraints loom large, and compromises in quality sometimes necessitate hard choices.

Copresco is here to help.

Case In Point

The 14 Mile Watershed Alliance, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization in central Wisconsin, faced such challenges when it was time to publish its Nine Key Element Plan.

The Alliance’s stated mission is to achieve measurable improvement in surface and groundwater quality with-in the 14 Mile Creek Watershed by supporting and implementing sound conservation practices and educating and creating partnerships with all stakeholders.

Nine Key Elements

The plan in question was prepared by the Adams County Land Conservation Department, summarizing the result of an intensive study.

The plan was written to reflect the nine key elements identified by the US Environmental Protection Agency and specified by the 1987 Clean Water Act.

Technical Details

The finished plan was 250+ pages long. In addition to the text, it contains hundreds of charts, maps, graphs, photos, and exhibits of varying quality.

Reports and tables from multiple sources were produced in different formats.

Publishing Choices

The Alliance had no budget for printing the report, leaving it with hard choices. They could have bypassed printing, furnishing the report in digital-only format.

Of course, the report is available digitally on the group’s website, but it was wisely noted the printed copies were needed for credibility, readability, annotation, and field reference.

Hard Choices

The first impulse for printing was to use a local copy shop.

On reflection, however, the group realized that the very best, most professional look was needed for presentation to the nontraditional funding sources that were to be approached for grants to implement the plan.

Critical Color

“Shoreline photos are not just pretty pictures,” noted the groups strategic direction chair, Rick Mervine.

“They are an example of shoreline restoration that are of value to the quality of the water. Such information is of great interest to potential granting organizations.”

Copresco To The Rescue

With great experience in producing technical materials, Copresco was the obvious choice.

“We are a data-rich organization,” observed Mervine, “and this is a data-rich report.”

Although there was no budget for a typesetter or graphic artist, Copresco was able to enhance the report:

  • Furnished text was centered and sized
  • Furnished scans were cleaned up and positioned
  • Furnished photos were enhanced for optimal color
  • Consistent page numbering was added
Extra Touches

These extra touches from Copresco’s prepress department added both aesthetic value and crucial clarity to the report, without breaking the bank.

“Not every project is a fancy work of art that will win us awards” said Copresco president Steve Johnson.

“For technical documentation the value is often much higher: in this case, a chance to have a real impact on the improving our natural environment.”