Copies Overnight, Inc. has shared a
Printing Industries of
America Premier Print Award with its customer, print distributor
Progressive Systems Network, and PSN's financial information software client.
President Steve
Johnson presented award plaques to John Barowski, technical writer of A-T
Financial Information, Inc., and Jerry Piaskowy, co-owner of PSN.
Copies Overnight won the certificate of
merit in the digital printing category for producing the A-T Financial User
Manual. The awards program is known throughout the graphic arts industry as
the most prestigious competition honoring excellence in print.
certificate of merit is the second PIA award Copies Overnight has received in
the past two years. In 1996, the digital
printing firm received a "Benny" in the digital printing
category for a 168-page case bound book produced forBoxboard Containers
Copies Overnight specializes in on-demand printing
and distribution of looseleaf and bound technical documents for general
business, printing trade, technical and institutional clients. The firm is
headquartered in Carol Stream, Ill.
Steve Johnson, president of
Copies Overnight, Inc., presents a Printing Industries of America Premier Print
Award plaque to (l. to r.) John Barowski, technical writer of A-T Financial
Information, Inc., and Jerry Piaskowy, co-owner of Progressive Systems Network.