
Print On Demand Innovation Leadership Award Received

Copies Overnight, Inc. has won first place in the Print On Demand Innovation Leadership Awards program.

President Steve Johnson received the award in the Business Case for Digital Print category in New York City.

The company's winning entry was a digitally-produced 280-page adoption recruitment book. The purpose of the book is to place foster children in homes with adoption potential.
"The award," Johnson related, "has special meaning due to the humanitarian aspect of the project." Since conversion to digital technology, more foster children are now being placed by the social service agency.

For decades, the book was printed via conventional offset with traditional lead times. Switching to a digital format offered significant benefits: faster turnaround, more frequent mailing opportunities, more targeted versions and more timely information. Inline addressing provided an even faster distribution alternative.

Faster turnaround time was also achieved by merging mailing data online with print files. Internet transmission of text files completed a fully digital workflow that surpassed previous production methods.

"We sincerely appreciate this special recognition for excellence in digital printing," Johnson says. "To win a prestigious award the first time we entered the national competition is particularly gratifying."

The Carol Stream, Ill. company specializes in high-speed digital printing and distribution of looseleaf and bound technical documents for general business, printing trade, technical and institutional clients.

Copies Overnight was recently recognized as the number one digital printer in the country by Quick Printing magazine and has moved into a new 14,000 sq. ft. plant.