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Copresco’s Overnight Lite Newsletter Wins STC Distinguished Award

Copresco’s Overnight Lite newsletter has won a Distinguished Award for editorial excellence and printing quality from the Chicago Society for Technical Communication (STC).

STC Awards recognize the outstanding work of technical communication professionals.

A panel of STC judges evaluated Copresco’s newsletter for its writing and editing, artwork, layout and presentation.

Judges stated that the newsletter’s writing is clear and concise with a tone that is approachable and friendly. They also liked the use of appropriate and attractive images and illustrations, the balanced layout, consistent typography and nice color palette. Seasonal masthead graphics that add a friendly touch were also noted. "Overnight Lite’s great print quality" drew the judges' praise.

The newsletter combines humor with product and technical information and general news. Over 2000 clients and prospects receive the publication that is digitally printed in-house in full color. Other readers may view the newsletter in multiple formats at Copresco's website.

The flagship of the Copresco's marketing communications program, Overnight Lite has been published and mailed continuously since September 1990. "We are extremely proud of this achievement that makes our newsletter one of the longest-running publications in the business communications industry. It is virtually unprecedented for corporate publications," says Copresco President Steve Johnson.

"Copresco has been a longtime advocate of targeted newsletters," Johnson added. "Regularly published newsletters build strong relationships by keeping your name in front of new and existing clients. Printed newsletters offer the added benefits of permanence and portability, so they can be passed on to other interested parties."

Overnight Lite has also won multiple APEX Awards for Publications Excellence from Communications Concepts, Inc. Awards are based on excellence in graphic design, editorial content and the ability to achieve overall communications excellence.

Copresco produces millions of pages of short-run publications, books, manuals and publications. Projects range from booklets, catalogs, handbooks, textbooks and technical materials to training aids, guidebooks, newsletters, calendars and cookbooks.

Copresco President Steve Johnson has his hands full with the Chicago Society for Technical Communication's Distinguished Award plaque and an issue of Overnight Lite that was honored for editorial excellence and printing quality.

Photo by Jessica Pinkous