Steve Johnson,
president of Copies Overnight, Inc., has
been named Rotarian of the Year by the
Wheaton Rotary
Johnson has served as the clubs youth exchange officer
for the past seven years. During the 1998-1999 Rotary year, the Wheaton club
hosted two foreign exchange high school students and sponsored one local
student studying abroad.
A member of the board of directors responsible
for international service, Johnson served as ticket chairman for the
clubs major fundraising dinner.
Johnson is Sustaining Paul Harris
Fellow. The designation reflects a continuing financial commitment to the
Foundation, a trust that funds educational, health care and humanitarian
projects throughout the world.
Rotary is an international organization of business
and professional men and women who provide humanitarian service, encourage high
ethical standards in all vocations and work for world understanding and peace.
The Rotary Club of Wheaton supports a wide range of local and international
service projects.