Copresco Receives Xerox Printing Innovation Award

Copresco has been honored with a Xerox Printing Innovation Award for digital printing excellence.

The Award for a Four Winds Waldorf School Yearbook recognizes Copresco's skillful printing and innovative use of digital technology in the digital books and manuals category. The 2003 Xerox Imaging contest, judged by leading experts in the print industry, honors the highest achievements in digital printing.

Gil Hatch, president of Xerox's production systems group, and Anne Mulcahy, chairman and CEO of Xerox Corporation, presented the award to Copresco president Steve Johnson at a special ceremony in Chicago.

The yearbook project combined a unique blend of design creativity with the benefits of on-demand digital technology. Four Winds is not a typical public school. Therefore, the yearbook was required to showcase the creative spirit of the private educational institution. And, since the book was conceived as a fundraiser, production cost control was essential.

Collaboration between the yearbook designer and Copresco's digital color printing staff resulted in a final product that exceeded the quality of conventional yearbooks. Four Winds students became actively involved in the project, selecting the paper stock and binding style and visiting the plant.

Sales of the yearbook exceeded 100% of the projected goal and fundraising results surpassed expectations. Since additional copies could be cost-effectively reprinted on demand, there was no need to overrun the initial print run and therefore no waste.

An unexpected benefit of the project was discovered by the school's marketing department--the yearbook makes a great marketing tool!

Copresco specializes in digital on-demand printing of publications, books and manuals for clients in the general business, printing trade, technical and institutional fields.

Copresco president Steve Johnson receives the Xerox Printing Innovation Award from Gil Hatch, president of the Xerox production systems group, and Anne Mulcahy, Xerox chairman and CEO.

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