Copresco Wins National Award For PAMCANI Website.

A website created and maintained by Copresco has won an APEX 2001 Award of Excellence for Web and Internet site content.

Developed for the Plumbing and Mechanical Contractors Association of Northern Illinois, the website loads quickly, offers valuable links, e-mail contact and a referral database. The site serves as a vital communications vehicle for Association members and referrals for members’ services.

Copresco president Steve Johnson presents an APEX 2001 Award of Excellence for website content to (l. to r.) Georgiana Kipp, executive director of the Plumbing and Mechanical Contractors Association of Northern Illinois, and Tracy Kampert, executive assistant.

An on-demand printer since 1987, Copresco has used its advanced technical skills to move into real time document creation. In addition to printing digital books and manuals, the firm now produces CD-ROMs and develops websites rich in technical content.

Copresco’s corporate website won a coveted APEX 2001 Grand Award, one of only three presented in the business category——and six in the total awards program. Judges praised the site for its superb job of keeping existing customers informed of new services and ways to use existing ones, and attracting new customers,

“We are gratified to receive this recognition for ourselves and our client,” says Copresco president Steve Johnson. APEX judges base their decisions on content and practical communications effectiveness. We believe that user-friendly websites offering easy access and helpful information are far more beneficial than sites that rely on gimmicks and dazzling graphics.”

Copresco is headquartered in Carol Stream, Ill.

The annual Apex competition for communications professionals is sponsored by the editors of Writing That Works, a national newsletter published by Communications Concepts, Inc. The awards are based on excellence in content, usability and overall communications excellence.

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